Sometimes I wonder how would my life be different if only my parents had never split.
Life is hard without BOTH parents.
Each of my parents have had so much impact on me; They've molded me.
It's just.. i have TWO homes, when I only need one.
It has made me so indecisive.
I shouldn't have to worry about hurting their feelings.
I shouldn't have to choose.
I shouldn't have to go back and forth.
I shouldn't have to be away from my dad.
I shouldn't have to be away from my mom.
I shouldn't have to STRESS!
But, i do.
I do have to.
& that's it.
No discussion.
No questions.
& once again, no answers.
It's not like i'm making a big deal.
Just thati want to know WHY!?
Why didn't my mom and dad get along?
Why didn't they get married?
Why was the gov. & court involved in EVERY little move MY family made?
Why was the relationship between my dad, my brothers, and myself soo tense?
Why did my parents split up?
I wonder how different it would be if just they had stayed together.
I'll never know til i ask.. soo.. here it goes.
Wish me luck.