Defining the Odds.

Defining the Odds.
Don't judge a book by it's cover; Nor man by his skin.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My creator is my mother & father..

I want to talk about religion. Not one in particular.
To start off, i always select the "NO RELIGION" box. There's always the "NO OPINION" suggestion, but i do have one. It's not that i do or do not believe in ***a*** god.. i need proof. When i ask, people often wave the bible in my face. Jesus didn't write the bible. Multiple people did, EXCEPT him. For all you know, these could be ancient coo-coos who were out casted because of their mental disability, not because they "followed Jesus". I also do not accept that "Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus". No she was not. People lie ya know. When in middle school, we learned about ancient Egyptians and their myths and gods and goddesses, and laughed. I remember class discussions where we just couldn't believe that they actually believed that way. Other than the Bible, what proof do you have? I have proof otherwise. Scientists have proof that Earth created itself, technically. Bacteria was the source of everything that you see today. My definition of religion is a release for very easily influential people who need something to believe in, some sort of "push" to have faith in something &/or themselves. Why do you think so many convicted criminals come out Church-crazed? It's not that i do not believe in Jesus or a god, it's just that nothing in the entire world that i have come in to contact with has proven to me of this. Scientific research, pictures, etc. have proven the entire bible wrong. When i die, i will not go to hell, nor heaven.. i will slowly decay in my own coffin. That "bright, white light" you see when your at a near-death experience, guess what? It's the operating lights right above where your laying.. do some research. Have you ever been outside on a really sunny day and then came into a fairly-lit building? The white and lightly colored spots you are seeing is the same concept. People are soo redic. Shoot me an email.

No disrespect intended.
- H.