Defining the Odds.

Defining the Odds.
Don't judge a book by it's cover; Nor man by his skin.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

You were supposed to be my angel..

On edge. Alone. There comes a point when you teach yourself to pause the world.. to exit reality & enter into your thoughts. A point where you see no one but yourself. It's like a dream. Being zoned out. Being upset. Where people could yell in your ears, but you wouldn't hear a peep. Where you'd look to the sky but, see nothing but his face. & only a point in time where you are so involved in the past you can't get ahold of the present. Your mind spins, your heart races.. you block out everyone & any exsisting being in your path. Your goal: Forget everyone & everything that doesn't matter. Nothing matter so you are a lone. Alone in the world. Alone in your head. Alone. You need that one person to pull you back. But, they're gone... forever. What to do? Who to turn to? You're gone. Being only physically there. Being on edge. Who'll be your angel. Only god knows. Time will tell. & when you finally reach that point where you have the ability to hault the universe, is when you can truely say, " I don
t know who i am anymore ". That point.. happened a long time ago.

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