Defining the Odds.

Defining the Odds.
Don't judge a book by it's cover; Nor man by his skin.

Monday, August 29, 2011

There's a killer on the loose..

Day by day, missing you more.
Moment by moment, it becomes difficult...
To go around, living, knowing you're across the country.

Day by day, it worries me.
Moment by moment, it stresses you out...
To have to keep tracking forward with nothing but hope & trust.

Day by day, the emotions build up.
Moment by moment, we explode...
Letting out all our depression & lonliness on eachother; our anger.

Day by day, it seems to be a reoccuring dream.
Moment by moment, the same things get inbetween you & i...
Forcing us to slowly feel the distance mentally.

Day by day...
Week by week...
We grow apart.
Til there is no more you & me.

That oh so powerful, strong bond we always had.. is gone.
Is a killer.
It's OUR killer.


(Fate.. I guess not)

- H.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Surrounding youself constantly within a group of people doesn't always mean you are not alone.

Depression can mean the loudest of thoughts.

Being alone is the feeling you have no body.

- No body who understands, cares, is there, & will fight.

Being in a crowd is a given.. but also a misfortune.

Take the time to reach out & stare the loneliness in the eye.

Take a stand & embrace the attention of someone who can offer help & guidance.

Figure out why..

- This depression is haunting you.

In turn, i guess you were never really alone.

You have the ghost.

You have a spirit.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The only voice you should hear 24/7 is your concious.
The only judgement that counts is the one you can make.The only opinion that matters, is the one you accept.The only name you can abide by, tis your own.& the only path you'll follow, is the one you set out for yourself.
Saying sorry doesn't mean there isn't guilt
forgiving doesn't mean there isn't pain

Monday, August 22, 2011

Random Thought:

I always wonder..
Is there another person, somewhere, in the entire universe.. who looks exactly like me?
Or who is thinking the same exact thing at this very moment?
Hmm.. maybe we have the same interests..
I always wonder..
Is there somebody out there who is exact to me?

Or am i truely 100% unique?

Think About It..

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dear Writing,

     Sometimes i wonder..
If i chose you for the rest of my life, where would we lead? Am we capable of it?
Would we get sick of eachother?We'd either rise above the odds as one, or fall flat on our ___.
You always help.You're always there for me. You relieve me of pressure and stress. You help me get out and complete ideas.. You help me memorize.You're also just a good friend who can always encourage me to put my thoughts out. Not to mention an EXCELLENT listener for my venting periods. As of now, writing you are my love

Am i a lost soul?
Or was i just misguided?
Am i a lost soul?
Or am i just a little bit frightened?

Am i a lost soul..
Who cannot put an identity to the reflection?
Am i a lost soul..
Who could never accept any subjection?

Am i a lost soul?
That can't dig deep enough?
Am i a lost soul?
That emerges deeper into the rough.

Am i the lost soul?
Without you.
I'll never doubt you.
I call you with faith.
Maybe, just maybe.. you'd answer one day.
i know..
I need to quit lying to myself.
Because it doesn't help.
My broken heart..
Or my lost soul.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

If i had eternity,
i'd wait forever.
If i had the universe,
i'd give you the stars.... & if, & only if,
i could see into the future..
maybe i could
have been more cautious.- when falling in love.
& it sucks because,
no matter how
hard i try,
i just
know that
i can't wait forever..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mission Accomplished: Bungee Jumping 8/10/11

Okay so i went bungee jumping today at the Vta County Fair.. & it was freakinn' AWESOME! I have to admit, i was really going to potty myself.. haha. Luckily my cousin Bre came up in the basket w/ me! The hardest part really is letting go. So i looked around at my surroundings, took a deep breathe, and.. fell. Fell free & flew like a bird. It was AWESOME! I reccommend it to ANYONE w/ balls (: Soo worth the $$. Thank you daddy btw <3 I love you.
Whoever wants to see me in action.. add me on facebook at -->
Next Mission: Sky diving. Stay tuned (:

Good night !

Sunday, August 7, 2011

You're awesome.

Quote from my bud(:
                                    --> Born Pulling'
LOVE : Giving Someone The Ability To Destroy Your Heart, & But Trusting Them Enough NOT Too. (my defintion)

He's so freakin' smart! Jealous. But, he gives amazing advice. & i look up to him for ALWAYS speaking his mind.

You were supposed to be my angel..

On edge. Alone. There comes a point when you teach yourself to pause the world.. to exit reality & enter into your thoughts. A point where you see no one but yourself. It's like a dream. Being zoned out. Being upset. Where people could yell in your ears, but you wouldn't hear a peep. Where you'd look to the sky but, see nothing but his face. & only a point in time where you are so involved in the past you can't get ahold of the present. Your mind spins, your heart races.. you block out everyone & any exsisting being in your path. Your goal: Forget everyone & everything that doesn't matter. Nothing matter so you are a lone. Alone in the world. Alone in your head. Alone. You need that one person to pull you back. But, they're gone... forever. What to do? Who to turn to? You're gone. Being only physically there. Being on edge. Who'll be your angel. Only god knows. Time will tell. & when you finally reach that point where you have the ability to hault the universe, is when you can truely say, " I don
t know who i am anymore ". That point.. happened a long time ago.

Think about it.

                   The meanest, dirtiest, most intolerantly RUDE young ladies w/ the lowest self esteem always claim to be a "bad b*tch".. First of all, is that something to be proud of? Why claim a title soo worthless? I don't understand. You're giving others the RIGHT to label you! How come you walk down the streets w/ your legs practically open&every other word out of your mouth is forbidden? Who would want to be around that? Learn some grammar. Go buy a Chasity Belt.. &get some CLASS! Be a young lady, Be a ROLE MODEL! Have you seen kids these days? I'm not talking about teenagers, i'm talking about Elementary School stage. Grinding on boys&having sex. Is that at all their fault? No. My generation is.. going down the drain. It's our generation that drugs are being put into the hands of children, alcohol is killing adolescents, & lives are being restricted due to unwanted, unplanned pregnancies. Oh my.
                   Think about it.

It's My Strength.

I'm not 'out of place'...
 I'm just outspoken!
Being blunt doesn't make me a mean person...
It just makes me HONEST!
Goodness, get your facts straight!
- You asked, i answered.
I wont apologize that i hurt your feelings..
All i aim to do is help.
Better ya hear it from me than someone who will judge you!
You'd think it'd be "discouraging" to be doubted by your peers.. but, not or me.
Thanks for the motivation everyone! I'll proove you wrong.
I, alone, am capable of..
I'll show you; w/ a smile.
.. Life's good when all you aim to do is Live.
W/o a care in the world.
Make it great, because you have one.
One more than someone else didn't.
You've got time.
More than they did.
 Baby, don't worry.. i'll live this life.. for the both of us.
Rip Andrew♥
 I've fought all my life. I'm a very strong young lady. I was born to be everyone's rock. But, in a time like this.. even i need a shoulder to cry on

Honesty is a Given.

&i can honestly tell you that no one, nobody else in the entire universe, will ever have the courage to tell you the truth like i can. Even if it hurts♥ ♥

Come on now!

.. People who "get high" are the most likely in life to reach the lowest points! Idc if you "think i'm lame" because i don't smoke.. Idc if you think it's annoying that i lecture you about it all the time.. The only thing i DO care about, is YOU ♥ Stay Safe & CLEAN

Put it Down & Get Up.

.. Does your life really suck that much to where you have to stoop to pot to feel high&fly? Seriously? Lol, you have problems! :D Just saying.
.. Random Thought:
--> Go as far as you can see, & when you get there you will see FURTHER ♥


. sometimes i can't help but wonder.. [ What's going on w/o me ] , [ What would happen if i wasn't here or there.. anymore, ever again.. ] & sometimes i even stoop to [ How would life be if, & only if, i took the bullet? ] ?? But, it's a never-ending, enternally depressing, horrid question that will NEVER be answered. & only because.. well, he's dead. ♥

Whatever Happened to BEING A LADY?

" Men marry VIRTUES honey. NOT vaginas! "
Come on now.
Close ya legs 'cause no one wants a whore for a WIFE. ;D
Dear Non-believers,
Guess what? The most sucsessful people in the world are the ones who were told "you'll never make it".
Hey, thanks for the motivation. Now, watch me touch the stars.. Get ready to eat your words & shove ya head up ya BEEP!
Thanks (:

You're worst nightmare.

You're a TEAM.

to be able to

Animal Planet

Kangaroo's are just huge, mutant, bunny rabbits.. ;D

We Take 2 Steps Forward, & 10 Steps Back..

In the past 500 years or so, have our Society's improvements pulvourized the meaning of a healthy, "do-it-yourself", American, lifestyle?

Does it relate to you?

As you grow older, do you completely change as a person or mature into an adult? Is that not still changing  who you are; Who you've been? - Who you THOUGHT you were? So when i lived in Arkansas w/ my dad.. he'd always go fishing. Usually w/ his friend or my uncles. My lil brotherwould ask to go.. But, i never would. See, the thing is fish don't creep me out. But, the thought of a hook sliding into their mouths & out their cheeks is horrifying. & then cleaning them? EW! But, anyways... My dad would always tell me how, when i was little, i wasn't scared of anything. (I believe i'm still not). He would tell me how I'd go & help gary hook the bait & everything. I was like a little solider. Now, being a teenager.. i refuse to. Haha. Seriously though. I just would HATE to stick a nasty, rusty, sharp hook through the mouth of an innocent, clueless creature. Like i ALWAYS say.. Would you want a hook stuck through your mouth? Uhh i think NOT! But, that's just an example. Am i suppose to be still the same eager young girl who'd take on nature w/o a doubt? Is it who i am? Or was suppose to be? Have i changed?

I always wonder...

You're Mine.

 With love, comes hurt.
With hurt come strength.
With strength comes developing myself.
You have to be optimistic about it all.
- I try to be.
But, i've hurt you, you've hurt me.
Big deal?
W/o it.. we could never really aprreciate what we have together. it makes us closer.
You? Of ALL people? .. Treat me horribly?
Well, if that's the case.. then i need to relook the word.
You make me happy, and msile, and laugh.
You give me strength & hope, & faith.
My cheeks are ALWAYS the slightest blur of red.
- & my heart beats just a bit faster.
You respect me.
You respect the boundaries that exsist.
You respect who i am, & who you are as a person.
You understand.
You do NOT treat me horribly.
You're my dream guy.


Light up lives.

Yeah.. I may be loud, I may be crazy, & I may just be plain out weird. But.. i def. GOT BALLS because i'm willing to make a COMPLETE fool of myself just to make others laugh(: Give a stranger one of your smiles, It may be the only sunshine he sees all day ♥

What are your rights?


As a young lady, i have rights.
 My rights shall not limit me of my attributes.. but, define who i am as a person.
Yes, i am a leader.. that is my right.
It is my right to be energetic. - To be caring & kind-hearted.
 My right to be outgoing & loud.
My right to do what i do, not just because i can, but, because i do what i do.. for a reason.
My future.
It's my right to be.. well, me.
I refuse to allow you or anyone strip me of my rights;
who i am.

Be Yourself; Truth Is You Are Beautiful

I have the right to not care.
 I have the right to be loyal to my own ideas.
I have the right not to listen, speak, or take action.
& only the right that allows me to trick the minds thoughts & be someone i am not.
I can lie, if i wish.
 It's my right to trick, defeat, and allow to suffer..
I can cheat the world, show the universe that i am that person.
 When, in fact, i am not. I'd misuse my rights & lie to myself. Because, i am not that person.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Now a days, jealousy is obsession. Love is lust. Education is limited. Loyalty doesn't exsist&being yourself means imitating others..

How can we turn this around Society?

Did you know that Apple, an electronic brand (most popularly: Computers), has more money than the U.S. Government as of June, 2011? Don't believe me? It's true. On June 26th, 2011, the U.S. Treasury stated that the government has a total available balance of approx. $73.8 billion. The last recorded balance Apple has gained is approx. $76.2 billion in cash alone, by the end of June.
Can you believe the universe's biggest technical corporation has a few billion more bucks that the earth's largest sovereign government?
That's because Apple earns more money than it spends, while, on the other hand,  the U.S. government does not.
Ya learn something new everyday huh? Maybe you should take a few notes next time Mr. President.


Apple Now Has More Cash Than The U.S. Government

Read more:
President Obama Vs. Apple Co.

Understanding Young Love & Loss.

He swore he loved you;
But if he did wouldn't you feel it?
He said you'd be together forever;
Well "forever" mustn't be that long.
You told yourself to forgive & foget his little mistakes;
When instead of your mind telling you to leave, it was your heart.
You loved things about him, that he never showed;
Were they even there anymore?
If he was your perfect "Knight In Shinging Armor";
Why didn't he fight for you?
Truth be told, honey, he's just not worth it.

Dedication & Determination.

This very unique quote was spoken by Emerson, (19 century American philosopher, preeminent lecturer, & essayist.) , in the late few years of his life. He has gone on to write books, poetry, and essays. Google him. The following quote is one my very favorite. He goes on about most of what, by which, i live for.

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

My life.

, , ' # Motion the Curve, Dot the Ending, Turn thee Page, Close the Cover. Its Over. . . It is thee end of my story. "&& they lived happily ever after..." I wish it was that easy. Thee Kiss, The Horseback ride Home, thee Sunset, its soo unreal. Its soo... uhm, S I M P L E ! Its not true, Love is Complex. Thee ending of the fairytales are soo irrelavent. But, in reality... it is soo Complex. && soo some of us take life like a book. Maybe a Bio, maybe a Lit, maybe just something silly. Well, in my case... i guess i take mine like a Diary or a Jounal. I go with thee Flow. Soo every night i pick up my pen, motion the curves of my day, Dot the last sentence, Save my place, && close my cover until thee next day... When i have something in my life that relates to my own story...

Clearing Of My Soul & Addiction.

' One road, One Way, One Life, One Choice. Dark, Dark Mind, Dark Thoughts, Dark Instincts... What's Going On? It's Me. Not You. You're Just The Small Bullseye That I Keep Missing. - This Time I PROMISE I Am NOT Going To Miss! The Target Or Your Loser Soul. Street Light, Chain, YOU! I'm Leaving You Behind... There To Die Like You Deserve. But, I'm Being The Bigger And Better Person Here... I'm Killing You Before You Worsen My Family && Your Own Self. You Are Obviously Going To Hell. Your Punishment Is Waiting For YOu But Softer Than If YOu Kept This On... I Hate Your Ways, I Hate You Doing This To My Mother, I Hate Your Thought, I Hate Allowiong You In My Mind, I Hate The 'f a m i l y' Pictures, I Just Hate YOU! Now Even If The Big Rig's Stop For YOu... Who Has Your Key? God! But You Have Lost It, Your Life! You Hurt Me... Having To Bail My Own Out... Goodbye. The Car Slowly Drives Away. The Sun Fully Sets && The Scence Closes... It's Over...

" Highschool was the most exciting time of my life. It's like going to hell&back.. it really does make you stronger "

Dear Class of 2014,
We did it! (: On our first day of highschool, we roamed the hallways, searched for our classes, &DEF. got mocked by the upper classmen. Throughout the year, we grew to understand what it takes to acomplish our Freshamn year. In class, we tested the teachers&authority.. finding out how far we could lean. In the halls, we closely watched others. How did the act&react to things. In the commence, we could see where we "belonged". Which border lines were we in? As the "new kids".. we broke the odds. Being the largest group of students in the highschool, we have the ability to achieve anything. We can overcome anything.. TOGETHER. We've stuck by eachother since Day1. Yes, heads clash here&there, every now&then.. But, what has or hasn't been resolved doesn't interfere. We see familiar faces everyday! We grow to need that comfort. Some new faces will unexpectedly show up, some will leave. Highschool is just an experiment. It tests you. It pushes you to your FULL potential. It helps&understands you&your position. It challenges you. It's ONLY THERE TO HELP YOU IN THE LONG RUN. It wants to know you. It wants you to know YOURSELF
-Haydence Thompson
Freshman '11

This year ROCKED(:

Life's a play. You're the director. Do you know yourself?

Be your own writer; only you know your thoughts. Be your own director; only you can live your life. Be your own actor; only you know yourself. Life is like a play, like a script. In which, you.. yourself play every role. You have every responsibility. I have a question for you. What would your play be about? A romance.. comedy, maybe tragedy? With a theme, climax&moral? You write your own script everyday. You direct each move&sound you make, every day. Only you can decide you actions. If you had the power to write out your own playbook, where would you start? If you played yourself in your story, how would you do it? How would you act yourself out.. talk, move, come off as? You have to KNOW your character to sucsessfully re-enact them. Do you know yourself? -H.

Definition of Tears.

.. Tears. Tears don't always mean you're upset. They're not always signs of giving up. The tears that pour from my misty eyes could be hope. Hope. Hope isn't just faith waiting & praying til the day. It's not just encouragement to the brightest extent. Every day hope appears. But, it doesn't mean that i question. Question. I question the meaning of it all. Though answers don't seem to exsist, i still wonder about the last brief thought that occured. Was it a memory? Memory. Seemingly, wonderful appearences we have shared. The times we laughed, or couldn't seem to bare. They are unforgettable. I shall never loose our love. Love. A feeling of unconditional gratitude & care. Seems to make AND break. Conquer AND defeat. Heal, make stronger, AND confuse. Tis the one & only thing few people experience. It's out of your hands; tis up to fate. Fate. This amazing virtue that has brought us together. It's so true. So me, & so you. It's us. It is what makes us WHOLE. But, these tears.. every single drop.. tears us in different directions. They don't mean i'm upset. They don't mean i am giving up. These cold, wet, frightful darting tears that pour from my misty eyes.. are fullfilled with hope. Hoping only that we'll never question eachother. Never questioning our faith & memories. & only the memories that we'll never forget. Because once they're lost.. so is our love. Our love that we we're yet so lucky to have gained. So everyday we thank this heaven called fate. This virtue to the highest sky that has found it in the heart to look past our imperfections. That has loved each & every one of us enough to give us this miracle, in which, we can cry.